Telemonit Offer - remote supervision


telemonit offer

The telemonit offering enables efficient management of work and task coordination regardless of geographical barriers, managing projects or teams remotely using communication technologies.

Remote supervision:

Smart Home

Detecting vandalism, theft img_8.png

Standard monitoring with voice notification img.png

Industry 4.0

Optimizing the work of safety teams img_2.png

Object control img_10.png

Supporting the work of people monitoring objects and infrastructure img_5.png

Smart City

Monitoring people in public places img_9.png

Remote personal monitoring img_6.png


Quick telephone or messenger notification img_13.png

Faster response and emergency calling img_1.png

Person and Object Detection - object and person detection img_3.png

Car detection - car detection img_4.png

Reducing the number of people needed to make decisions, manage, and coordinate img_7.png

Integration of old and new systems without additional infrastructure or camera investments img_11.png
